Monday 21 March 2011

11 days to go!

Lifts are being arranged, I have everything ticked off of Sonja's kit list, there may be a bit of room left in my case for clothes!
 Suzanne and I went shopping on Saturday for presents to take for our host families and the children - it all seems very real and I'm getting a few butterflies...
Tony and I have travelled all over the world but it's always been 5 star - so this will be a first!
This is not the first time we have intentionally traveled as Christians. In 2008 we went to work for the 2nd Baptist Church in Varna Bulgaria, we shared our faith by working along side the Christians at that Church, as we scrubbed and cleaned the building in preparation for the opening and dedication of a new church for Varna.
 I am excited about sharing my faith in another completely different context. I am hungry to encounter God and His people in Uganda - to be challenged and changed by the whole experience.
Bring it on!

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