Tuesday 22 March 2011

Uganda links at Trinity

Today we met Alex Kagume and his wife Ellen. Alex is the Deputy Vice Chancellor at Uganda Christian University.
They have been staying at Trinity College for a couple of days. We had lunch together -  Alex gave us some very practical information.
 I asked about the parish system in the church of Uganda, it seems to work slightly differently to ours, I'm looking forward to finding out more...
From what I can gather there will be heavy rain at times, Alex suggested we do not go for a walk in it!
He also said mossies are a fact of life, and although he hardly ever sees a snake, there is nothing to say it won't be the first thing we see!
I think Sonja does not like snakes :-) 
We prayed for safe travel for Alex and Ellen as they continue on to the USA and then travel back home,
we hope to meet them in Uganda on 11th April.
Praise the Lord \0/

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