Friday 15 April 2011

1st April

So after all the months of preparation, meetings and prayers, the day arrived.
Sonja, Tim, Suzanne, Becca, Tony and I set off from BS10 at 3.30am. We'd had about 3 hours sleep.
The short hop from Bristol to Amsterdam was good, time for a coffee and  then we were boarding the long flight to Entebee. KLM looked after us well, our flight took us via Kigali Rwanda.
I always think about Simon Gilbaud when ever I hear Rwanda mentioned. I heard him speaking a few years ago at New Wine, he was encouraging people to take great steps of faith at the time when I was going through the early stages of vocational discernment, I was convicted that I must continue on the path God had set before me.
I was able to tell Simon that the Lord had spoken to me through his ministry when he came to speak at Trinity last year.
We arrived in Uganda at 10.15 local time, we met our drivers Simon and Paul who took us to Namirembe Guest house. It was after midnight when we got to bed, very tired, but pleased to have arrived safely in Africa.
I am hoping that photo's will start to appear on this blog anytime soon! Tony has some great snaps.
I was not able to get internet access easily in Uganda. I have a hand written journal which will type up in the coming days.

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