Saturday 16 April 2011

Sunday 10th

Up at 7am church at 8 ...the first service was packed. 
Tony and I introduced ourselves, went through the formalities and then I preached for 45 mins (with translation) We had breakfast in the vestry - Then we did the second service. similar size congregation this time in English.
Preached for 35-40 mins (no translation)
Sonja and Becca did 3 services at the Cathedral, Tim and Suzanne did 2, one at Chain and another at a sister church.
In the afternoon Ronnie and Rev James the curate from St Dunstan's came back to the Mpima's and we all had lunch together. They formally thanked the family on behalf of the church for hosting us and for the hospitality they had given us. We said our goodbyes to Ronnie and James and promised to keep in touch.
We were able to give the presents we had brought to the family. They were visibly touched that we had brought gifts for them.
Later we had a walk with Deborah and Philip to the home of William's sister. She lives on her own and is very sad. She often shuns visitors. We were so pleased that she received us, told us about her troubles and her life, we were able to pray for her. She was happy that we had visited.
We walked on to the home of Daddy Koffee, what an interesting man, He had been responsible for rescuing over 6,000 street children, he had an amazing life story, exiled by Amin, because of his ministry, he fled to the USA, got a degree  in theology and returned after Amin's disposition. The only way he could get to the USA was to study. He became a pastor in the Presbyterian church and an MP in Ugandan government. Now retired, he told us a lot about the plight of the street children.
The power went out (a common event) and he kindly took us back to Bristol (the Mpima's) in his car. It gets very dark very quickly at night.
When we got back to the house we needed to pack as we have a full day out again tomorrow and we leave on Tuesday - early.

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