Saturday 16 April 2011

Friday 8th visit to rural parishes

Early pick up to visit the rural parishes with the Arch Deacon.

We visited a vocations centre where they teach practical courses, for example, IT, bricklaying, hairdressing, child care etc. As a group we shared our testimonies and taught a song with actions...Blessed be the name of the Lord!

We had lunch at the vocations centre, then went off in two's to various schools.
The vicar Michael was a lovely man. He opened his home to us, he was very moved by our testimonies and urged us to keep in touch.

After lunch back at the vocations centre we drove to a water fall on the Nile, and then met up with some local lay ministers for a prayer meeting on a grassy bank,
 we shared our testimonies,
& Tony sharing his amazing testimony....
 with the sound of the falls in the background. . .                                                   
Tim brought us a word from the Lord. 

We ended up at a local home, there was quite a crowd of us gathered for a meal.
 It was a very special time.

insight from today..

I'm feeling a bit overloaded by the need of the schools, anything we could give would just be a drop in the ocean of need, they all want us to pledge our support.
We are not the solution, it is not helpful for white men to come and give money, we are not the answer, there is a much deeper issue that needs to be addressed.
Sonja has advised us not to make individual donations, I think this is very wise could just give and give and give.

One of the Trinity students who was here last summer has given us £100 to donate to real need.
We decide to give £40 to the minister in the islands to alleviate his immediate need, and £60 to Chain - the orphanage where Tim and Suzanne are based.

The people we have met today out in the rural parishes have blessed and encouraged us.
It has been another really challenging day.

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