Saturday 16 April 2011

Tues 12th to Murchison Falls and the national park

Up at 6, ready to leave by 7.
Enid and Jackie, Philip and Moses are there to say goodbye, William has returned to the farm on Monday.
From left to right William, Enid Moses
front Deborah and Mark.
We were sad to leave, but so pleased we said our formal goodbye's on Sunday when the whole family were there.

 We are now back in two vehicles because of the luggage. We set off on the long drive East.
We stopped Msinidi for lunch at a nice hotel. We then left the main road and started down dirt roads towards the falls.

We arrived at the National Park
Got some great photos. It is very dramatic and very hot 30.

Nikki &Suzanne

We had an hour at the falls then carried on to Red Chilli Camp.
I was a bit tired when we arrived the banja's are simple but clean, and better than a tent! It has a shower and a flush loo...Oh the joys of facilities!
The view, with the Nile in the distance was stunning, and a very dramatic sun set.

Accompanied by wildebeest's wondering through the camp!
We met together for the evening... before turning in I used Sonja's laptop for the first time and posted a blog and updated FB.
 Africa is very wild here, the night noises are something else. Creation takes on a whole different meaning. Dangers are all around. I went to sleep quickly. Thank goodness!

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