Saturday 16 April 2011

Monday 4th at UCU

A really great morning of lectures at the Ugandan Christian University - we found it very interesting that the U C U offers a unique holistic approach to its students. Anglican ordinands are trained here, but they also offer courses in science, the arts, business and administration, mass communication, law, health and social sciencees. All of these programmes are accompanied by Biblical studies, worship and prayer. The university describes itself as special and unique, training people for leadership in a spectacular environment.
The university was established in 1997 it is 33 klm from Kampala. The UCU is dedicated to mission through teaching, scholarship, service, spiritual formation, student's development and social involvement to the preparation of students for thoughtful, productive lives of Christian faith in their respective professions and places. check out the website

We had a very interesting lecture on the East African Revival, which at some point I would like to read more about.
At lunch time we had a bizarre moment when our accademic registra Eeva John (who was supposed to be in Sudan)  made an enterance! They had made a detour - some problem over entry visas.
Suzanne and Nikki
In the afternoon we had a guided tour of the campus. It is huge! We got caught in the rain and took shelter in the canteen.
They are building a new Library at the University it is supposed to open later this year...

 It was Suzanne's birthday today, on the way back to our families we stopped at a supermarket and randomly found a birthday cake... How cool was that!

In the evening we went with Jackie (a member of the Mpima family) for a walk arround the village, with Philip (another member of the family aged 7) and some local children... we gathered quite a crowd!

Joanne and Philip
We met William for the first time (Mr. Mpima) he is a lovely man. We had an enjoyable evening agin with the family.

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