Tuesday 12 April 2011

Last couple of days

 At last! I have internet access!
we are the Red Chilli hide Away at the very end of our visit.
we have visited 28 schools between us, a medical centre, a farm, the rural area, a vocations centre, we have been placed with families in Mukono, Suzanne and Tim were staying at an orphanage called Chain. We spent 2 days at the Ugandan Christian University which was invaluable. Preached at a number of services on Sunday...
Our day off was at The Source of the Nile in Jinja.
Today we have travelled for 8 hours to Murchison national park which is an unfenced camp! Tonight we saw warthog wondering through the camp!
We have had such hospitality and have had an amazing time...
I will type up my journal when we return on Friday.
Praise the Lord who has gone before us to prepare the way.
we have been mightily blessed. . we have learnt  so much... God is good all the time..All the time God is good because that is his nature.
We fly home at 11pm on Thursday and arrive back in Bristol about midday friday...
Please pray for safe travel home.
Team Uganda.

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