Sunday 17 April 2011

Fri 15th Amsterdam - Bristol

We arrived at Amsterdam about 7.30 in the morning, caught the metro into the city centre.

Had a wonder along the canals and over bridges, stopped at a cafe for breakfast and another for coffee.

This morning window of space gave us a chance to process more fully the events of the previous day.
When we arrived back in Bristol I think we all felt much more settled and peaceful.

The Lord provided us with the space we needed, when we first heard about this lay over we thought we may be eager to just get home. But God is gracious - the morning in Amsterdam was perfect timing. Just what we needed.

The short hop back to Bristol was on time, all our bags arrived from Entebbe.

We gathered together to pray - I read out Psalm 121

I lift my eyes up to the hills
where does my help come from
my help comes from the Lord
the maker of heaven and earth
He will not let your foot slip
He who watches over you will not slumber
Indeed he who watches over Israel
will never sleep nor slumber
The Lord watches over you
The sun will not harm you by day
nor the moon by night
The Lord will keep you from harm
He will watch over your coming and your going
both now and forever more

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