Sunday 17 April 2011

Final thoughts and reflections

What a trip!
It has been an epic journey...
I have learnt so much about myself, my dependence and confidence in the Lord, the world wide Anglican Communion, the local church, cultural contextualisation of the Gospel, the list goes on...I'm going to be drawing on this experience for years to come.

A few years ago I would not have been able to do this would have been way out of my comfort zone, many of you know Tony and I are well travelled, but this was completely different.
Our safety net throughout our time in Mukono, was the church. We were accompanied by clergy the whole time. When we were walking around the village in the evening's the family accompanied us. Local people were watching over us...The Lord is watching over us all.

Our Drivers Paul and Simon - both local men, could read the situation on Thursday in a way that we were not be able to. Thanks to Simon, Tony did not realise until much later that day what a close shave they'd had.

My confidence really surprised me, from climbing on a budda budda to preaching for 45 mins, from the Q&A grillings we had from the teachers, to the many cultural challenges we faced, by God's grace everything I needed, every situation we encountered, God provided - not just for me, but the whole team, I'm sure they can all testify and identify with this.
Tony was speaking with a confidence and authority that can only have come from the Lord!
Tony has a gift for evangelism, but I think he may become a preacher yet!

Where does our help come from? It comes from the Lord almighty. I realised just how much trust in God I have, and how far I have come...trusting in God in Africa is very different to trusting God in Bristol!

Leviathan takes on a whole new meaning by the banks of the Nile. Scorpions and snakes are a real and present danger. Lk 11:11-12
Contextualisation of the gospel takes me by surprise again and again.

The morning at St Luke's Kirangira, was for me, one of the highlights of my time in Uganda. It was one of those moments when the penny drops! I understand the Anglican communion has word wide dimensions- of course...but it was at this point that I really understood what that 'rich diversity' really means... sitting in that tiny church I encountered the church of God in a profound and humbling way... it was very moving.

Another insight
Phil 3:7 But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.
This verse has great meaning for Tony and I as disciples of Jesus ... we strive to live a simple life in order to serve the Lord and serve others more fully.
I preached on this passage from Philippians - tied into the conversion of Saul Acts 9 and our own conversions. On reflection, our comparative wealth would have made this hard for the congregation to appreciate.
Have we ever been hungry? No.
Have our children ever been to school in rags and bare foot? No.
Have we ever walked miles to fetch water for the day? No.
Have we encountered disease and death that makes families even poorer because of orphans? If a sister or brother, aunt or uncle die do they take the children in - or abandon them to the streets?

Enid and William have taken so many children into their home as a result of their relatives dying, they do not know exactly how many children they have!
I need to pray for a heart as big as that.
Tony and I think we have hearts for hospitality...boy we have a long way to go!

We have met so many wonderful people, we have been overwhelmed by poverty and need but also by the staggering beauty of the country, the hospitality and humility of the people.
Their love of the Lord and their joy of serving, and the openness to the Gospel.
I have been challenged, inspired, encouraged and amazed... (and a couple of times extremely scared!)

We have said all along this trip was going to be significant - the support we have had - financial and prayerful has been tremendous, thank you to everyone who has encouraged and sponsored us.
Thanks to Sonja for planning and arranging the visit, for her wisdom, love of the Lord, and example to us.
Tim, Suzanne and Becca, you guys are very special too... Thanks for everything.
Tony...the best husband in the world.

We have left Africa for now...I think I already know, one day God willing, we will go back!

Mukama yebazibwe : Amina  =  Praise God: Amen.

Over and out! NJB.

1 comment:

  1. "He (she) who once tastes of the waters of Africa, will return to drink..." African Proverb
    Thanks for sharing this Nikki- brilliant to read and see the photos...reminds me of my first visit to Africa (TChad in 1995?!) and the many subsequent returns to drink.....
    Blessings and look forward to hearing more
    Wendy xx
