Saturday 16 April 2011

Tues 5th day 2 at UCU

Day 2 at UCU and a very helpful lecture by Rev Can Dr. Olivia Banja, on the challenges faced in expressing the gospel in a culturally relevant way today (focus on Buganda). The kiganda contemporary world view. Dealing with attacks of eveil spirits. The Intercessors. (I have a paper if anyone is interested)

We then joined the community for worship...A very lively and colourful choir and band were on the big stsage.

The sermon was a complete culture shock to the whole group! The topic was abortion. Described in graphic detail with a power point presentation. We would never be able to do such a presentation in our own context - not without a health warning anyway!
This gave us cause to spend the rest of the afternoon on the lawn in the grounds of the UCU reflecting on the impact this had had on us.

Later we went to Chain the orphanage where Tim and Suzanne were based. They were moving Tim out of the boys dorm into a little hut which looked really nice. But unfortunatly, later Tim would find it was over run with rats, they ate his pencils and his soap!
Tim and Suzanne had been invited to the Mpima's for supper...and a banquet it was too!
We were taken by Moses (another family member) for an evening stroll round the village while the meal was prepared. Tim and Suzanne really tucked in!
I really struggled with the food...
But praise God I was not hungry at all, some days all I had to eat was a banana. It was not for lack of hospitality, just that I had a problem most of the time I was in Africa to eat what was provided. I felt I could not get food down, I also got through 4 packs of diocalm even though I was hardly eating anything!
God is good...All the time,  I was not ill. None of us were!

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